
Fallout new vegas dog companion mod
Fallout new vegas dog companion mod

fallout new vegas dog companion mod

Yes, Dogmeat seems to scale in level with your character. So you can damage Dogmeat, be careful where you fire when your companion has engaged a target in melee. 14 blasts from a 31 damage weapon brought Dogmeat to critical, and it took another 14 to bring it down again after using a Stimpak. She seems to have at least 400 at level 18, though resistances come into play - she can take about that much damage, regardless. I did some testing by shooting my dog with a reliable weapon and determined that a stimpak will fully restore Dogmeat's considerable life. If you'd like to get her back into the fight, you can run up and use a stimpak with the action button to restore some of her life. Some prefer playing completely solo, for sneaky purposes.ĭogmeat cannot die, and will recover after a time when injured. While it's worth traveling with other Companions for a time in order to do their special quests and raise the relationship with them to get their special hidden Perk, it's usually back to bringing Dogmeat once that's done unless you've got a favorite. Dogmeat is the first companion you'll meet in Fallout 4, and for many players is the last ally they'll ever really need. If you're confused because your follower is named 'dog' like mine, it's because a conversation early-game didn't happen - it doesn't matter, the dog's name is Dogmeat. Dogmeat Characteristics Dogmeat proves her surperiority, taking down a mongrel dog in the wasteland.

fallout new vegas dog companion mod

I'll also reveal where the Dog Armor can be found for those not in-the-know, and elaborate on some tests I did to determine how well dogmeat keeps up as the player's level rises. This guide to Dogmeat discusses the benefits to keeping her around as your main companion (though all companions have benefits), and how you can make good use of the dog companion in your travels. I call it 'her' throughout this article, due to the model used for the dog being a female German Shepherd and the lack of any red rockets when we find legendary loot. Comment on the appropriate page if you have a tip to share with other readers.įallout 4: Dogmeat Guide Companion Benefits, Level, and Where to Find Dog Armor Dogmeat, your faithful Companion in Fallout 4, is likely to be the first to follow you.

fallout new vegas dog companion mod

There is much more to this DLC, it will just take time to write it all. I've written over a dozen in just a week and plan to continue. See a full list of guides on the Nuka World page.

  • Faction Perks and New SPECIAL Ranks in Nuka World.
  • New - Nuka World Endings Guide - Options and Benefits.
  • For New Players - Read the walkthrough.
  • New - Scav Magazine - All locations and details.
  • New - A guide to making a Pistol/Gunslinger Build.
  • I'm writing a Guide to Nuka World, piece by piece.

    Fallout new vegas dog companion mod